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Donation Total: $50.00


Win served a mission the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the 90’s and lived in Russia and Armenia and spent most of his time across the Black Sea from Ukraine in Russia and Armenia. He learned to speak Russian, grew to love the people and the area. After his mission, Win and Mindie got married and raised a family of 3 wonderful children. Mindie has an enormous heart full of motherly love.

When the Russian invasion of Ukraine started in February 2022, we both became absorbed with trying to find a way to help our brothers and sisters across the ocean on the other side of the world. We have just had this strong feeling that we needed to find a way to help, so we bought our tickets to Poland. We hoped that by mixing a lot of love, with a little bit of language, we could find people, places, and opportunities to help, and have been doing so ever since.