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Donation Total: $24.00

$6 can buy a meal voucher at Zlote Serce and can be purchased through Reach Humanity.

This is a non-profit restaurant, employing refugees, and donating any profits do provide food for refugees. The $6 voucher is good for any item on the menu, with a drink.

In addition to providing a meal, it provides an experience. Can you imagine living in a refugee shelter in another country, where you only receive one meal a day, and someone gives you a gift card to go out to dinner at a restaurant, where they serve comfort food from your own country, and where you can get a night out, feel a little normal, and hang out with other people from your country as well? That is what this provides.

Even a small donation of $6 can provide this experience for one person, or maybe $24 for a family of 4, up to $600 to give vouchers to an entire refugee center. Any size of donation here is a great value and a great way to help.