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Become a Mentor

When people do relocate here, their sponsors take on a lot of time and effort to help them adjust. There are things that we can do to help even if we are not the primary sponsor.  For example, transportation is a major challenge.  


Several of our neighborhoods do not have good public transportation, so giving rides to and from job interviews, work, school, grocery shopping, Dr appts, etc. can be an enormous help.  Also, helping with things like English, filling out paperwork, learning things like how car and health insurance work here, as well as having more friends and social relationships can be valuable. 

mentor refugees on basic public services


Sometimes we have networks of people and skills that could also be valuable. Some examples could be: Aware of friends or family who have employment opportunities, someone with a knowledge of immigration law, friends or references for Drs, dentists, therapists, etc. can all be valuable networking relationships.


Teaching people skills, like English, driving a car, or other skills that may help them improve their employment can be another way to help.

In addition to helping give rides for transportation, many of us may have access to a spare vehicle, or have even considered donating a vehicle to charity. If it is an operable vehicle, this could be very valuable to help with someone’s transportation needs.


If people want to travel to help overseas, we have become familiar with several opportunities to help in Poland. These could include the grocery food line, handout lunches from a food truck, making food for the non-profit restaurant, visiting refugee centers to interact with people, helping improve buildings and facilities for schools or for housing, teaching English, these are just some of the examples of opportunities to help.

Interested in volunteering your time, knowledge and experience? Mentoring others might be the perfect opportunity for you.

Humanitarian work for Ukrainian refugees