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Donation Total: $50.00

Financial contributions are the quickest and easiest way to donate.  Financial donations are the most flexible to use and distribute, and are needed by every group or individual.  It is difficult and expensive to fly with physical donations, and it is difficult to transport them across the border.  Not only is this significantly easier to do with financial donations, but the buying power of these donations is usually much stronger in Ukraine and Poland.  

With a small group or organization, a little bit can really go along way.  We have need for all donations, large and small, and are working to maximize the effectiveness of these funds.  

One example of using a larger donation is that on our last trip we did the grocery delivery at a food line.  We distributed grocery bags to 400 refugees.  These bags were about $10/each and included a box of hot cereal, a box of cold cereal, a liter of milk, 3 cans of meat, one can of vegetables, a bag of pasta, a box of rice, a bottle of jam, a bag of sugar, and a bag of cookies.  We figured it could provide about 15-20 servings of food, which makes it around $0.50-$0.75 per serving.

Donate supplies

Currently we have almost no administrative costs and we are constantly striving to provide  many other needs in a constantly changing environment.  For example we are currently trying to assemble hygiene kits and back to school kits to bring with us and distribute when we return in September 2024.    


What $6 can do for another

$6 can buy a meal voucher at Zlote Serce and can be purchased through Reach Humanity. This is a non-profit restaurant, employing refugees, and donating any profits do provide food for refugees.  The $6 voucher is good for any item on the menu, with a drink.  In addition to providing a meal, it provides an experience. 


Can you imagine living in a refugee shelter in another country, where you only receive one meal a day, and someone gives you a gift card to go out to dinner at a restaurant, where they serve comfort food from your own country, and where you can get a night out, feel a little normal, and hang out with other people from your country as well?  That is what this provides. 


Even a small donation of $6 can provide this experience for one person, or maybe $24 for a family of 4, up to $600 to give vouchers to an entire refugee center.  Any size of donation here is a great value and a great way to help.

Sponsor a Ukrainian refugee